Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sorry! Just trying to be nice.

So there I was, again, sitting in traffic; every day 30 minutes just to go a half mile. All because of the light at Edwards Road and Rt. 46 . But, that day was different. I was relaxed, happy, and didn't mind the wait at all.
I even let cars from the side streets get ahead of me. That's when it all began.

The first person, a young lady, inched her way in front of me and gave me a pleasant smile and a hardy wave.

I felt good so I did it again. The same result. Wow! I was really making people happy. Good  old Jim. What a great guy. I let a few more in.

Suddenly, there was a blaring of a horn. As I looked in the rear view mirror, I saw the distorted face of the driver behind me. Apparently, he didn't think I was so great. Every car I let in meant one more care he had to wait for.

He had a point. I waved to him indicating that I understood.

He must have forgiven me because he held up his finger indicating that he thought I was "Number one"

Just  at the last side street before the light, there was yet again another driver trying to merge. This time, thinking about my new found friend behind me, I  sped up and closed the little gap between me and the front car..

The  light turned red, of course. My car door window was now positioned right in front the driver's hood. I turned my head and saw the driver, full faced,  glaring at me.  Like the other driver, he signaled me .

Perhaps they didn't think I was "number one".

I imagined what they would all say when they got home.

"Hi Dear, how was your day?"  " I had a great trip home. There was this nice guy who let me merge into the lane so that I didn't have to wait"

Hi Honey! How was your day?"  " Terrible, I had this idiot in front of me who would have let the whole town in front him if I didn't stop him.  It cost me an hour"

"Hi Sweetie, How was your day?" " People just don't care aboutothers  anymore. It's always 'Me, me, me'.
I had this  &*^&  guy block me from merging into the traffic.Right at the light, no less.What was his rush?  He couldn't even let ONE car in front of him."

I can't blame them. I wonder how many times I judge people not knowing pr caring about the full story.
Just a thought by the C.
By the way, I barley made the next light. My friend didn't. I thought it best not to look in the mirror.
Hey! Summer's coming!
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