Sunday, March 28, 2010

If God really loves us, how can He.......

The God Questions
(The God Questions: Click to review)

There isn't a day that goes by that we don't read about a tragedy: a child is killed by a speeding car, a father of 5 dies of a sudden heart attack, people are paralyzed, others  stricken with a fatal illness, the list goes on. 

It is especially hurtful when such things happen to those we love or know.
Often, it is at these moments that we begin to questions God's love, or even His exitence

After all,  wouldn't any loving god protect his so-called "children" ? How could God watch a child suffer and die?

These and other questions are not only difficult to answer but to comprehend; especially, when we, ourselves, are grieving. 

Certainly the attempt to answer these questions have baffled the scholars and religious leaders for centuries. The debate continues to this day.

Recently, I was asked to share my view on the subject of God allowing suffering to exist. 

I would  suggest, for a moment, that we imagine a world where God does protect us.
A world of  Divine intervention.

But first, we have to look at the world as it is. A world where we know we are not fully protected. A world where at any moment, tragedy could strike.

In this world, we constantly put ourselves in peril knowing full well the risks we are taking. We speed and ignore traffic regulations putting not only ourselves, but others in danger . We drink and eat to excess fully understanding the health hazards. We allow our children to be exposed to harmful environments and, frankly, dangerous situations. We engage in entertainment and activities that often result in injury and death: skiing, surfing, playing sports, mountain climbing, rafting.

Of course we cannot protect our children or ourselves  from every situation. We want to live a full life and many times it is the risk that entices us.

This is as it should be.

But then, if we  live our lives the way we do with the understanding that God does not fully protect us, how would we live life if He did?

In other words, a life without consequences: a life where we need not worry about protecting ourselves because God will do the protecting for us. There is no need to give details here, but for myself, I assure you; I would have eaten bacon for breakfast this morning no matter what warning my  doctor gave. And that's just a start.

Yes, sometimes bad things, horrible things, happen to good people. God could pick and choose who to save, but how would we feel then? How would we feel knowing that God chose another over us, or over one we love?

If God protected us all, what further limits would we then exceed? If God protected our children what parental responsibilities would we naturally neglect?  If God only chose the truly good to protect - Oh, wait a minute - then He wouldn't have anyone to protect.

Maybe this once, God has it right. Perhaps He has thought it through. Perhaps our  prayer,
"God, please change the laws of the universe for my convenience."  should expect an answer.

I share these thoughts only because I was asked to. It is just one way that I personally dealt with one of the many "God" questions I have.

Please do not think for one moment that it is the true or only  answer, or that I believe anyone should accept it as truth.
It is merely: a thought from the C.

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